Preview Day

For Prospective Students

Tuesday, October 1


At Valley Creek, we’re called to raise up generations of hope carriers. That’s why leadership development is an integral part of Valley Creek Leadership Academy. We focus on providing students with real-time leadership experience that will prepare them for both ministry and the marketplace. By the end of their experience, students will have over 400 hours of hands-on experience through practicums.

Practicums are two-semester (one-year) courses that provide immersive training that goes beyond curriculum to develop giftings, character, and leadership. Through this hands-on ministry training, students will gain 12 hours of college credit toward their selected degree program.

Employers value experience as much as or more than education, so that’s why we’re giving students the opportunity to practice developing their skills as a leader. In practicums, they’ll make decisions, communicate, manage teams, and manage projects. They’ll learn what it looks like to lead real people while caring for them at the same time.

First-year students will spend a year discipling and raising up our next gen through our Students practicum. Second-year students will have the opportunity to choose a practicum to apply for, like Worship, Kids, Production, Creative, and more!

We know that our students each have unique interests and giftings. Whether they like to run a sound board, organize events, or communicate, we want to equip them to live out God’s dream for their life.